Section 06 Part 04 – The BPL & BMI Instructions


“Memory is a magnet. It will pull to it and hold only material nature has designed it to attract.” ~Jessamyn West






These two are conditional branches that will branch depending on the N flag.  It should be noted that these branch instructions have two sizes; .s for short and .w for word.  For details see Section 05 Part 03 (The BRA Instruction).




The BPL Instruction


BPL – Branch on PLus (Positive)


If the N flag of the CCR is clear, the destination operand will be added to the PC, and the 68k will continue reading at the new offset held in PC.  If the N flag is set, the instruction is ignored.






This is simply based on whether or not the result is positive:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          bpl.s     FlagNIsClear

          move.w    #$0000,d0





We’ll pretend d0 contains 2400001E, the CMP is word, so only the 001E is taken into account.  001E - 0020 = FFFE.  You’ll notice the result is negative, so the N flag is set.  The 68k will not branch to “FlagNIsClear”.


If the result were positive, the N flag would be cleared, and the 68k would jump to “FlagNIsClear”.




The BMI Instruction


BMI – Branch on MInus (Negative)


If the N flag of the CCR is set, the destination operand will be added to the PC, and the 68k will continue reading at the new offset held in PC.  If the N flag is clear, the instruction is ignored.






This is the opposite of BPL:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          bmi.s     FlagNIsSet

          move.w    #$0000,d0





Again, pretend d0 contains 2400001E, the CMP is word, so only the 001E is taken into account.  001E - 0020 = FFFE.  The result is negative, so the N flag is set.  The 68k will branch to “FlagNIsSet”.


If the result were positive, the N flag would be cleared, and the 68k would simply ignore the branch and continue.




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