Section 07 Part 05 – End of the line for now.


 “If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy." ~Dale Carnegie






I have been reading emails and still fixing up the current pages that exist, thanks to help from you guys.


Unfortunately, I am very busy these days and do not have much time to work on making more pages and expanding on the site.  If I do ever come back to this, it will be quite a lengthy number of years, as it stands, it's already been about 2/3 years since the last time I did any real updates.


I'm not the procrastinating type, this isn't laziness, I just have more important projects to attend to, projects that I would prefer to do.  As Earl Nightingale once said; "set yourself a definite goal, make sure it's a single goal and clearly defined."  So it stands to reason I should work on the one and only goal I have rather than juggling multiple goals at once.


I hope the previous pages have given you a good head start, I also hope this tutorial encourages teachers of programming out there on how to teach properly, this site exists because of their inability to teach at such a common sense level after all.


Good luck with your project, whatever that happens to be.






Here's one for you, this code here has a legitimate use, it's a very complicated use, but nevertheless it is an important use.  If you can figure out what that use is, then you're a god among men and you shall receive a cookie!!


          move.w    (a0)+,d0

          add.w     d3,d0

          moveq     #$00,d1

          move.b    d0,d1

          and.w     d4,d0

          move.l    d0,a1

          add.b     (a1),d1

          move.l    (a1)+,a1

          move.b    d1,d0

          sub.w     d3,d0

          move.w    d0,(a2)+

          add.w     d1,d1

          add.w     d1,d1

          movea.w   $10(a1,d1.w),a1

          move.w    (a1),(a3)+

          move.w    (a0)+,d0

          add.w     d3,d0

          moveq     #$00,d1

          move.b    d0,d1

          and.w     d4,d0

          move.l    d0,a1

          add.b     $20(a1),d1

          move.l    (a1),a1

          move.b    d1,d0

          sub.w     d3,d0

          move.w    d0,(a2)+

          add.w     d1,d1

          add.w     d1,d1

          movea.w   $20(a1,d1.w),a1

          move.w    (a1),(a3)+

          addq.w    #$01,d3




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